BROOMDASHER set sail with John Tams’ endorsement…

BROOMDASHER set sail with John Tams’ endorsement…

Broomdasher will have the wind in their sails this weekend after John Tams’ resounding endorsement of their newly arranged version of two of his songs especially chosen by him for their show with us!

They sang “How High the Price/All Clouds the Sky” when they supported John and Barry Coope (of #CoopeBoyesandSimpson) at the RamFolkClub.

“It’s lovely, I wouldn’t change a thing…. It’s your song now” said John, “I hope your audiences at SouthDowns Folk Festival really enjoy it”.

Barry added: “There’s a lovely balance of voices”, and he said he was looking forward to hearing Broomdasher again.

The 16-voice acapella group from London count John among their admirers and he suggests one of his songs which is in keeping with the venues where they’re singing, for them to arrange in their own traditional style.

“The songs are both about the perils of the sea and how badly deep sea fishermen used to be treated, and we think they’re poignant and moving,” say the group, whose website is

You can hear them at 2.15pm at The Regis Centre​ and 3.30pm at The William Hardwicke​ THIS Saturday.

Want to join in? They’re hosting a singing and harmony workshop for adults led by their renowned musical director Sally Davies in the Tent at Place St Maur next to The Regis Centre from 10.30 til 11.30am.


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